Advancing the integration of healthcare and sports performance education.

Dry Needling Techniques Helping Enhance Patient Care.
Our Dry Needling Program (SFDN) offers a diagnosis-focused approach. Healthcare professionals from a variety of disciplines learn effective strategies to manage commonly encountered pathologies in orthopedic and sport rehabilitation to help clients feel and perform better. We present current science, research, and clinical experience to allow immediate application of dry needling into the clinicians’ professional practice.
Holistic Treatment Through Fascial Manipulation®.
Fascial Manipulation® method by Stecco focuses on fascia, considering the myofascial system as a three-dimensional continuum. Practitioners learn to evaluate musculoskeletal and internal dysfunctions together with a methodology and strategy for treatment with myofascial release. We look at the body as a whole, utilizing a systematic approach to assessment and treatment of these issues to increase mobility.

Enhance Your Skills Anywhere, Anytime.
Our online education courses can be taken in any order and any time, allowing medical practitioners to customize their continuing education needs to their schedule and area of focus. Classes cover a range of topics from debunking the myths of back pain to the somatosensory system. Online courses are curated for any medical or fitness professional seeking to improve patient care.
If you treat people/athletes with pain and/or movement dysfunction, this course is a MUST! The Structure & Function Education team created the perfect environment to learn! In short, I went in kinda scared of needles; absolutely terrified to stick someone else with a needle; and unaware of how to speak about the technique to others. Yeah, this course COMPLETELY FLIPPED ALL THAT! Confidence, Safety, Knowledge, Awareness, Friendship…I gained so much this weekend. Beyond GRATEFUL for what I can now provide to help others. THANK YOU S&F Team!”