Media & Podcasts
Here’s How Those Red Circles on Michael Phelps’ Body Helped Win Him More Gold Medals

There were a lot of constants in Michael Phelps’s appearances so far in his final Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The ever-present headphones, the focused stare (despite the antics of would-be foil Chad le Clos) and the impossibly long arms flapping back and forth like a bird of prey before each race start. Yet there was also a striking difference – those red circles that popped up on one of the 26 Olympic medal winner’s shoulders before his first race…
RWF 34: An In Depth Interview With Sue Falsone

In this podcast, Sue Falsone discusses the following: Her education, Athletic Performance, Her time with the L.A. Dodgers, Acupuncture vs. Dry Needling, Working with Laree Draper, Yoga as part of a S&C program, Her personal fitness program, and much more! Dry needling discussion begins at around 17 minutes.
Optimal Athletic Performance by Sue Falsone

This presentation by Sue Falsone outlines “Must-Do” considerations for optimal athletic performance.
Watch This PresentationAudio Interview – Sue Falsone – The Shoulder DVD

In this interview Sue talks about her first DVD The Shoulder including discussing topics related to her evaluation of the shoulder girdle and thoracic spine, postural screening, corrective exercise selections, manual therapy considerations including dry needling, and more. Discussion about Dry Needling starts at 27:30.
Listen To This InterviewDry Needling: Powerful, Drug-Free Pain Relief for Athletes

Athletes suffering from serious or chronic soft tissue injuries are often prescribed powerful anti-inflammatory drugs to combat pain and inflammation. Although these drugs can be effective, in some cases they can impact your long-term health by placing a greater demand on your liver and kidneys, which can accelerate aging and shorten your career.
Dry needling is quickly becoming a popular drug-free alternative for treating soft tissue inflammation. To find out more about it and how it can help athletes, here is an interview with physical therapist Sue Falsone (PT, MS, SCS, ATC, CSCS, COMT), the owner of Structure & Function. Falsone is the former L.A. Dodgers’ physical therapist and head athletic trainer and head of athletic training and sport performance for the U.S. Men’s National Soccer Team.
Read This InterviewRT 122 | Sue Falsone – How To Maximize Shoulder Health

This is a unique and focused interview about how to maximize shoulder function, as well as other related topics. This podcasts goes over: Sue’s experience working with professional athletes, benefits of dry needling, common injuries, Sue’s best advice for PT’s, the science of dry needling, and so much more. Discussion about dry needling starts at -34:20 (counting down.)
Listen To PodcastSue Falsone: The Shoulder

Dr. Perry talks with Sue Falsone about her new DVD on the shoulder. Sue was on our podcast over year ago talking about the thoracic spine and now she is back! Lucky for us. We have an awesome conversation about dry needling, assessment techniques and rehab. My voice sounds a bit different since I was on the tail end of laryngitis, but it’s still a rocking episode.
In her lecture, The Shoulder: Implications for the Overhead Athlete and Beyond, she helps professionals working with athletes, clients and patients to ease shoulder aches and pains and help prevent crippling injury. Dry needling talks starts at 13:45.
Listen To PodcastTherapy Insiders

In this episode of Therapy Insiders we interview Sue Falsone. Name seem familiar? Well thats because Sue was the first female head athletic trainer in ANY professional sport when she took the gig for the LA Dodgers in 2011. Want to know what its like working with professional athletes? How about female leadership challenges?
You may skip to 25 minutes to hear about Dry Needling.
Listen To PodcastThe True North Podcast with Jaime Huestis

In this episode, we discuss dry needling, why it works, the science behind it, along with diving into our thought processes in treating the patient as a whole. If you’ve ever been curious about dry needling or want to further your knowledge as either a patient or a practitioner, this is an episode I think you’ll find value in.