Woman with a migraine

How Dry Needling Can Unlock Relief For Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a heavy load that can range from fibromyalgia to back pain and frequently prompts people to look for efficient alleviation. Many patients wanting relief for chronic pain still look for complementary therapies that address the underlying source of their pain, even if conventional treatments like medicine and physical therapy have certain advantages. Dry needling has become a viable method in recent years, offering specific pain alleviation to individuals with chronic pain.

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Danger beyond this point.

Understanding and Mitigating the Risk of Pneumothorax in Dry Needling

Dry needling has become a widely utilized therapeutic technique, offering clinicians a valuable tool for managing various musculoskeletal conditions. Amidst its benefits, it is crucial for clinicians to acknowledge and address potential complications. One such complication that gets a lot of discussion and focus is the risk of pneumothorax in dry needling. The concern around pneumothorax in the context of dry needling, despite its relatively low occurrence, stems from the potential severity of this complication. While pneumothorax may be considered rare, its consequences can be significant and, in some rare cases, even life-threatening if not promptly addressed.

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A Man In Blue Shirt Exercising with Supervision

Empowering Patients: The Power of Self-Efficacy in Rehabilitation from Injury

In physical rehabilitation, self-efficacy is pivotal in determining an individual’s ability to recover and regain optimal function after injury. Self-efficacy is one’s belief in their ability to perform specific tasks or achieve certain goals. Self-efficacy has far-reaching clinical relevance in rehabilitation. This blog will explore the significance of self-efficacy in rehabilitation, the psychological and physiological aspects, and the various strategies and interventions that healthcare professionals can employ to enhance self-efficacy, empower our patients, and promote successful recovery.

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I agree, english, consent

The Vital Role of Informed Consent in Therapy

Informed consent is a fundamental ethical and legal concept in healthcare. It is a process that empowers patients by providing them with comprehensive information about their medical treatments or interventions, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding their care. In the context of therapy, informed consent is equally crucial. This blog explores the importance and necessity of informed consent for patients and therapists, shedding light on its significance in promoting patient autonomy, ensuring ethical practice, and mitigating potential legal risks. We will draw upon relevant literature and ethical principles to support these arguments.

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Body paint of hand and arm with muscle structure.

The Importance of Anatomy to the Dry Needling Practice

I was recently asked on a podcast a very interesting question. What are the requisite sets of knowledge and skills to be a safe and effective dry needler? It was a very interesting discussion where we discussed practice history, types of educational backgrounds and skills but my very fundamental and first clear line was a strong knowledge of anatomy and an appreciation for your patient’s anatomy.  The relevance of anatomy to the dry needling practice is even more important as we start placing needles 3-dimensionally into the body.  If you’re interested in this discussion you can check it out on The True North Podcast with Jaime Huestis.

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Stop Hand Sign

Top 3 Common Adverse Reactions When Being Dry Needled

Dry needling is a technique that involves the insertion of fine monofilament needles into anatomic structures to stimulate the healing process, relieve pain, and increase function. While dry needling is generally considered safe and effective, there are some potential adverse reactions when being dry needled that patients should be aware may occur. This blog will discuss the top adverse events that can occur when receiving dry needling.

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dry needling for neck pain

Dry Needling for Neck Pain

Neck pain is a real “pain in the neck”. Recent case studies have demonstrated the use of dry needling for neck pain treatments in patients. In 2016 low back and neck pain had the highest health care spending in the United States, with an estimated $134.5 billion being spent on spinal pain-related conditions. Neck pain is a multifactorial disease with various modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. There are psychological, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, occupational, and behavioral factors among these modifiable risk factors.

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dry needling practice class

Evaluating Fascial Manipulation for Treating Pain and Disability

This article was sparked by a recent systematic review in an area I have been following for some time, Fascial Manipulation (FM).1  As clinicians, we all are in a never-ending search for treatments that add value to our patients, particularly when it comes to those in pain and struggling with their functional movement. It is

Evaluating Fascial Manipulation for Treating Pain and Disability Read More »

dry needling on woman's back shoulder

Superficial vs. Deep Dry Needling

Superficial vs. Deep: Does it matter when dry needling? Dry needling is a commonly used intervention for the management of various painful conditions. Pain conditions can manifest in many forms. However, pain management is a common treatment goal when dry needling. The physiologic mechanisms at play, mechanisms of pain relief, and the overall efficacy of

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man's feet having acupuncture

6 Types of Dry Needling and How to Choose the Right One

If I learned anything throughout my dry needling experiences, it’s this: all needling techniques are not created equal for all patients. These small instruments make a mighty impact on the body’s muscular, skeletal, endocrine and nervous systems and, when used properly, can yield incredible results in a short amount of time. However, using needles effectively requires intimate knowledge of anatomy and physiology as well as hands-on experience. To help you use needling as an agent for positive patient outcomes, I’d like to introduce you to a handful of dry needling techniques and give you guidelines on how to decide which kind is best for each unique patient.

6 Types of Dry Needling and How to Choose the Right One Read More »

She’s certified in dry needling! Find out how Jill uses dry needling in her clinical practice.

Jill Wosmek has completed the dry needling certification and have received the SFDN designation! She has been part of our community for a long time and is dedicated to her work. She currently works in an integrated sports medicine clinic within Sports Academy and is part of the leadership to help influence and grow the clinic.

She’s certified in dry needling! Find out how Jill uses dry needling in her clinical practice. Read More »

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