About: Maribeth Crupi, PT established a private practice in 2007 with a specialty focus on the care of dancers of all levels. As the mother of a multidisciplinary dancer she has been immersed the dance world for over 20 years. Maribeth has pursued specialized training and experiences to hone her dance medicine skills for over a decade. She is an active member of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) and was a presenter at their 2015 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. Her active participation in IADMS facilitates the development of treatment strategies based on current research and clinical wisdom of dance medicine specialists from around the world.
Maribeth participates in peer review with the physical therapists at Boston Ballet and has offered assistance with pre-season screenings and per diem coverage of the professional company in recent years. She also offers backstage services to touring dance companies in Boston. Maribeth appreciates dance from her background in the physics of human movement, with an emphasis on working within the healthy limits of the dancer’s body to avoid injury without sacrificing artistry. She is particularly interested in the adolescent recreational to pre-professional ballet and multidisciplinary dancer. In addition to a full time treatment schedule, Maribeth offers lectures on the care and wellness of dancers to dance programs and medical institutions. She is also a contributing author to a dance medicine text pending publication.
Clinic Name: Maribeth Crupi Physical Therapy LLC
Clinic Address: 314 Main Street, Wilmington, MA 01887
Clinic Website: mcdancetherapy.com
Clinic Email: maribeth@mcdancetherapy.com
Clinic Phone: (978) 447-5793
314 Main St
314 Main Street
United States