Unique Continuing Education Environment for Our Structure & Function Learning Community.
Putting science to practice. Structure & Function Education exists to create an integrated, multi-disciplinary learning practice for all medical and sports performance professionals. We strive to create a unique learning environment and a single knowledge source for all therapeutic pain management clinicians. Whether you are a practitioner that has taken one of our courses, or you are new and looking for industry information we are here to support you through your continuing education and patient care journey.
In-Clinic Resource Materials at Your Fingertips
Once an in-person course is completed, you will have unlimited access to the materials utilized in class. Access to these materials will help ensure an effective application of the new techniques learned in class once you are back in your clinic. Reference them at any time. Also take advantage of the class forums, sharing insights with fellow classmates.
Visit Structure & Function Education on YouTube for even more industry info.
Our YouTube Channel is just another great way to connect with the Structure & Function Education Community. Whether it’s to watch a few of our free online courses, earn online CEUs for therapists and medical professionals, or listen to one of our instructors speak with other colleagues about a specific topic, we have cultivated our channel as a continuing education resource for you.