Submit Case Study "*" indicates required fields CASE STUDY: BE PREPARED TO DISCUSS YOUR CASE WITH THE CLASS AND BE PREPARED TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR DRY NEEDLING INTERVENTION BEING PRESENTED.Course Participant InformationFirst Name* Last Name Email Case Study Presentation Diagnosis:* SUBJECTIVEPlease describe the case study by giving a brief history of the patient. Please be concise in your presentation of the case. Include any comorbidities and medications that are relevant to the case*OBJECTIVEPlease present the objective findings of the case pre-treatment (ROM, VAS, Special testing, strength testing, observations, etc.)*INTERVENTIONPlease describe the dry needling intervention and be prepared to demonstrate this treatment. Where were needles placed? Angle? Length? Diameter? Duration of placement?*What other interventions were performed before, during or after the DN treatment? (cupping, use of e-stim, manual techniques, exercise, tape, etc.)*ASSESSMENT/OUTCOMESDescribe the outcome of the treatment (objective and subjective improvements)*Describe any adverse effects from the DN intervention. How did you handle these adverse effects?*EVIDENCED BASED PRACTICEAccording to Sackett's Heirarchy of Evidence, please identify which level of strength of evidence best describes your case. Secondly, give a brief explanation of the strength and applicability of case study evidence based on Sackett's Hierarchy of Evidence (1. Meta- Analysis/Systemic Review, 2. Randomized Control Trial, 3. Experimental Design, 4. Cohort Control Study, 5. Case-Control Study, 6. Case-Series/Case Reports, 7. Personal Communication)*