Content Guide for Instructors & TAs

This guide is your essential toolkit for capturing high-quality photos and videos during our dry needling courses. As instructors and teaching assistants, you are the eyes for potential new students, offering them a glimpse into the vibrant learning experiences that define our community. Through this guide, we provide you with practical tips and straightforward instructions on how to use your smartphone camera to its fullest potential. From mastering camera settings to understanding the art of composition and lighting, we cover everything you need to create engaging, professional content. The images and videos you capture are crucial in our marketing efforts, helping to showcase the dynamic, hands-on nature of our courses. Your role in this process is invaluable in attracting and welcoming new members to our educational community. So, let’s equip ourselves with these skills and start capturing the moments that celebrate and define Structure & Function Education!


Resolution: Set to the highest available.
HDR (High Dynamic Range): Enable HDR for better light balance.
Focus and Exposure: Learn to adjust these manually for better control.
Grid Lines: Turn on grid lines for better composition.
Resolution: Use 1080p or 4K for high-quality videos. Note that 4K takes more storage.
Frame Rate: 30fps is standard, but use 60fps for smoother motion, especially for demonstrations.
Stabilization: Use a tripod or stabilizer to reduce shakiness. Or use a table/chair/other equipment to keep your arm steady!

Types of Shots for SFDN1

Up-Close Shots
Capture detailed shots of needle placement and techniques.

Instructors Demonstrating
Show instructors in action, focusing on their hands and expressions. If they are explaining how to do the technique, please try and get clear audio.

Students Practicing
Capture the learning process, including interactions and discussions.

Classroom Overview
Get wide shots of the entire classroom setup.

Before and After Shots
If applicable, show the setup and the post-session scenario.

Mix of Stills and Videos

Capture high-resolution images to show details and moments.
Leave your phone on regular photo mode, rather than portrait, unless it is a close up shot and you believe it will be better in portrait mode.

Live Photos
Enable live photos so we can save as both a photo and video if desired.

Record both short clips (15-30 seconds for quick demonstrations) and longer ones (1-2 minutes for more detailed explanations or testimonials).

Ensure a mix of both formats to capture the essence of the course comprehensively.

Additional Tips

Ensure good lighting. Natural light is preferable, but if indoors, use additional lighting sources.

Sound Quality
For videos, ensure there’s minimal background noise as much as possible. If unavoidable, we will edit after we receive the video from you!

Make sure to have consent from all individuals being filmed or photographed.
Every attendee signs a release form, but for good measure, please ask if someone is comfortable being filmed/photographed before you begin.

Use a mix of landscape and portrait orientation, as we will be using these for various materials and platforms that may need a specific orientation for posting.

Uploading Content

Use this link to upload your content. Ensure you’re uploading your content to the correct course title, and that each file is named appropriately with the COURSE DATE for easy identification.


Videos for the person being needled and the one doing the needling can be recorded while they are practicing. The videos for after-class and TAs should be done after class or during the lunch break, preferably outside with less noise or against a blank wall (or wall showcasing the host, if applicable).

For the Person Being Needled
  1. Initial Thoughts: “How did you feel before the dry needling session, and what were your expectations?”
  2. Experience During the Session: “Can you describe your experience during the needling process? What sensations or feelings did you notice?”
  3. Perceived Benefits: “Have you noticed any immediate changes in your condition or how you feel since the session?”
  4. Overall Impression: “What would you say to someone who’s considering dry needling but might be hesitant or unsure about it?”
For the Person Doing the Needling
  1. Technique Explanation: “In your own words, explain the technique you used today and why it’s beneficial.”
  2. Patient Assessment: “How do you assess a patient to determine the best approach for dry needling?”
  3. Personal Experience: “What inspired you to learn and practice dry needling, and what are you hoping the impact will be on your practice?”
  4. Advice for Learners: “What advice would you give to healthcare professionals considering training in dry needling?”
For After-Class Testimonial on Course/Experience
  1. Course Overview: “Can you give us a brief overview of your experience with Structure & Function Education so far?”
  2. Key Learnings: “What do you think are the most valuable skills or knowledge you’ve gained from this course?”
  3. Application of Skills: “How do you envision applying what you’ve learned here in your professional practice?”
  4. Recommendation: “Would you recommend Structure & Function Education to others, and if so, why?”
  5. Overall Impression: “How has this course influenced your perspective on dry needling and its role in healthcare?”
For TAs
  1. Professional Growth: “In what ways has your experience as a clinician evolved since incorporating dry needling into your practice?”
  2. Professional Impact: “How has your training with Structure & Function Education impacted your approach to patient care?”
  3. Skill Application: “Can you share a specific instance where applying dry needling techniques significantly benefited a patient?”
  4. Advancing Practice: “How do you stay current with advancements in dry needling and other related therapeutic techniques?”
  5. Advice for New Clinicians: “What advice would you give to new clinicians considering dry needling training?”
  6. Structure & Function Community: “How do you view your role within the Structure & Function Education community, and what does being part of this community mean to you?”
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