Foundations in Dry Needling (SFDN1) in Caldwell, NJ starts on June 17, 2022
Caldwell, New Jersey on June 17th you can learn SFDN1 – Foundations in Dry Needling for Orthopedic Rehab and Sport Performance. In this 27-hour lab-based course, the clinician will learn a diagnosis-focused approach to dry needling. The clinician will learn fundamental skills necessary for safe and proper needle insertion and removal, as well as effective strategies to manage commonly encountered pathologies in orthopedic and sport rehabilitation. Safety considerations are emphasized. Current science and research will be presented, along with a vast amount of clinical experience and pearls, allowing immediate application of dry needling into the clinicians’ professional practice. The use intramuscular electrical stimulation will also be discussed, demonstrated and practiced in class. To view the complete course details, visit the Course Description page.
June 17, 2022 @ 8:00 am – June 19, 2022 @ 5:00 pm MST
Nearby Hotel(s)
Hotel Name | Address | Phone | Website |
Best-Western-Fairfield-Executive-Inn | 216 Route 46 East, Fairfield, NJ 07004 | (973)-575-7700 | Visit Website |
Wyndham Totowa | 1 Route 46 Westbound, Totowa, NJ 07512 | (973) 785-9000 | Visit Website |
Nearby Airport(s)
Airport Name | Address | Phone | Website | Distance |
Newark Liberty International Airport | 73 Brewster Rd, Newark, NJ 07114 | - | - | - |
June 17, 2022 @ 8:00 am – June 19, 2022 @ 5:00 pm MST
Frequently Asked Questions
Course prerequisites
1) To take our Foundations in Dry Needling course, a professional education and license that allows you to perform dry needling as a healthcare professional is required.
2) Completing all required reading prior to the first day of the course is also needed.
See the complete course description for full details.
Required supplies you need to bring
1) An Anatomy Reference – Preferred references below, however any anatomy reference will be acceptable.
– Trail Guide to the Body 5th Edition or later. Get on Amazon.
– Palpation Techniques: Surface Anatomy for Physical Therapists
2) Any portable Electrical Stimulation (e-stim) machine with alligator clips, SFE recommends these units and supplies.
– https://www.lhasaoms.com/ito-es-130
– https://www.lhasaoms.com/ito-es-160
– https://www.lhasaoms.com/e-stim-ii
– https://www.lhasaoms.com/e-stim-3
– https://www.lhasaoms.com/pointer-excel-ii-lt-stimulator
3) If you have a latex allergy, it is recommended for you to bring your own gloves for use during lab.
Recommended Supplies
Please be sure to wear comfortable clothing, such as a loose shirt or tank top, for lab based activities.
CEU Information
We are dedicated to helping healthcare professionals meet their Continuing Education Unit requirements. CEUs can vary by profession and state, to view these details visit our CEU page.
How does Structure & Function Education’s dry needling method differ from others?
Structure & Function Education’s Dry Needling program follows a Pentamodal Method, resulting in a comprehensive approach to Dry Needling. Our practice is holistic and patient centered. Therefore, we feel as though our dry needling interventions should also be holistic and patient centered. We believe Pain Generators can come from several structures in the body, and at times, there may be no identifiable pain generator at all. Having the understanding, knowledge and ability to alter our intervention based on the patient is vital to our dry needling practice. Our Pentamodal Method allows the clinician to decide which area needs to be addressed based on examination findings. To hear how clinicians like you have described their experience in our Foundations course, view our testimonials below.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation and Attendance Policy: Prior to 30 days from the registered course, a participant may receive a refund of the full tuition minus 20% for administrative fees. Prior to 30 days from the registered course, a participant may transfer their tuition to another scheduled course with no extra fees applied. If less than 30 days to a registered course, the participant will not be eligible for a refund, but can transfer funds to another scheduled course for no additional fees. Structure & Function reserves the right to cancel any course, although every effort will be made to not allow that to happen. If a course is cancelled, the participant will be entitled to a full refund or be allowed to transfer the funds to another scheduled course. Structure & Function will not be financially responsible for any airfare, hotel or any other personal travel expenses if a course is cancelled.
Prior to registering for a course, make sure you are able to attend the entire weekend. Once you have purchased a course registration, you are required to attend the entire weekend. Exceptions to this rule will not be allowed. See the cancellation and attendance policy for more details.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy: Prior to 30 days from the registered course, a participant may receive a refund of the full tuition minus 20% for administrative fees. Prior to 30 days from the registered course, a participant may transfer their tuition to another scheduled course with no extra fees applied. If less than 30 days to a registered course, the participant will not be eligible for a refund, but can transfer funds to another scheduled course for no additional fees. Structure & Function reserves the right to cancel any course, although every effort will be made to not allow that to happen. If a course is cancelled, the participant will be entitled to a full refund or be allowed to transfer the funds to another scheduled course. Structure & Function will not be financially responsible for any airfare, hotel or any other personal travel expenses if a course is cancelled.