therapist examining woman's lower back

Advanced Dry Needling to the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex for Sport Performance (SFDN-LPH)

Course Description:

This 16-hour advanced course will provide the participant with an in-depth understanding of the anatomy, neuroanatomy and insertional diagnostics of a needle in the lumbar, pelvic and hip regions.  This course is sports and orthopedic specific giving the practitioner insight into consistent trends from the patient interview to observation to accurate palpation of structures.  This holistic approach builds on the foundational skills learned in dry needling and takes the practitioner from evaluation to treatment which includes mobilization of the pelvis, dry needling of the ligaments, muscles, and joints of the LPH as well as exercise prescription and patient education.  

LPH is primarily lab-based with the intent of immediate application in the clinic and training room.  Sport-specific diagnostics with an emphasis on multi-directional athletes are addressed and immediate effects from treatment protocols designed by the instructor are shown.  This course is a must for all health care practitioners treating all levels of sports and orthopedic dysfunction that involve groin pain, sacroiliac dysfunction, hip and lumbar pathologies, and even coccyx pain.  

Click HERE to view our Course Map to understand how pre-qualification works for course registrations.

Areas of the body to be covered in class include:

  • Anterior Pelvic/Hip pathologies (Iliopsoas Bursitis, Obturator internus/externus strain (Groin pain), symphysis pubis shearing, review of hip anterior compartment from Foundations)
  • Lateral Hip and Pelvis (Gluteus medius, TFL, Quadratus lumborum, Obturator Internus, piriformis)
  • Posterior Lumbar hip and Pelvis (Sacrospinous ligament, sacrotuberous ligament, sacro-iliac ligaments, Coccygeus, Ischial tuberosity/bursa, Pudendal nerve, sciatic nerve, iliococcygeus, sacrococcygeal joint, S1-S3 nerve roots, etc.)

**Attendance Policy – Prior to registering for the course, make sure you are able to attend the entire weekend. Exceptions to this rule will not be allowed. For more details, please see the cancellation and attendance policy.

Upon completion of this module, the therapist will be able to:

  • Consider mechanism of injury for the patient and how the injury can affect spinal mechanics, functional ADL restrictions and overall movement dysfunction.
  • Consider Differential Diagnoses and streamline spinal and pelvic evaluation, implementing provocation strategies for effective data collection and manual treatment selection.
  • Integrate surface anatomy palpation and layered anatomy application for safety considerations when inserting a dry needle into a patient.
  • Considering structural and soft tissue anatomy, appropriately insert a dry needle and consider depth for application of effective intervention to address patient complaints and therapist expected outcome.
  • Demonstrate manual therapy techniques to address facet and sacroiliac subluxations, hypomobile segments, coccyx deviations and muscle spasm in the lumbo-pelvic regions.
  • Be able to thoroughly explain an assigned case study including differential diagnosis, appropriate intervention including mobilization and dry needling to achieve a favorable outcome. Demonstrate techniques in a practical exam.

Testimonials From Our Students

Testimonial Quote

I wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge at the course. I feel fortunate to have taken the course with a great instructor and a great instructor to student ratio. Instructors helped make sure that we all really understood the techniques and application, from evaluation to treatment, including integration of other observation and manual skills. The comfort level developed with the close environment is so important when getting comfortable with hip and pelvis needling. Even with 17 years of PT experience myself, I feel my palpation skills and recognition of structures of the lumbar-hip-pelvis area are significantly improved. If anyone wants to improve their care for the difficult pelvic patient, you won't be disappointed here

-Jennifer M, PT


Testimonial Quote

Tonya was incredible. What an amazing experience to learn from someone with such tremendous specialized knowledge. I would take this course a second time.

-Jaime H, ATC

Testimonial Quote

I have so many patients who will benefit from the extensive, applicable teachings of this course. I feel like I've gained 10 years of clinician trial and error experience in 2 days. Best course I've ever taken by far.

-Kaitlyn O, PT

Testimonial Quote

Tonya did a phenomenal job of using her background to establish a great course focusing on evaluation of the lumbopelvic complex and dry needling as a treatment approach with awesome results. This course is a must for anyone working with this patient population.

-Josh B, PT

Required Course Supplies:

  1. Portable Electrical Stimulation (e-stim) machine, SFE recommends these units (Use coupon code SAF15 for 15% off)
  2. If you have a latex allergy, it is recommended for you to bring your own gloves for use during lab.


  • SFDN1 – Foundations in Dry Needling for Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Sports Performance

Required Reading:

  1. Dunning J, Buts R, Mourad F, Young I, Flannagan S Perreault T. Dry needling: a literature review with implications for clinical practice guidelines. Phys Ther Rev. 2014;19(4):252-65
  2. Perreault TD, J. Butts, R. The local twitch response during trigger point Dry Needling for Musculoskeletal Conditions by Physical Therapists: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017;47(3):133-49
  3. Si-you W, Guo-mei C, Li-hui L. “Four sacral needles” therapy for female stress incontinence. J Acupunt Tuina Sci. 2006;4(3):170-173

Suggested Reading:

  1. Dung, H. Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach. 2nd Edition. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL; 2014.
  2. Herrera, I. Ending Female Pain. 2nd Edition. Duplex Publishing: NY; 2014.

Upcoming LPH Courses

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Learn Advanced Dry Needling: Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip (SFDN-LPH) in Minneapolis, MN on June 7th, 2025

Inspired Athletx 2155 Niagara Ln N, STE 102, Plymouth, MN, United States

In Minneapolis, MN on June 7-8, 2025: You can learn Advanced Dry Needling to the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex (SFDN-LPH). In this 16 hour lab-based course, the clinician will learn a diagnosis-focused approach to the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex with the addition of specific advanced Dry Needling strategies for the pelvic floor, coccyx, symphysis pubis, hip joint, sacroiliac ligaments, and regional nerves. Advanced mobilization labs will focus on lumbar, pelvis and coccyx techniques, and the integrated approach to dealing with complex diagnosis will be reviewed through a discussion of case studies, current research, and the instructor’s specialty clinical expertise.

Advanced Dry Needling to the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex for Sport Performance (SFDN-LPH)

Learn a diagnosis-focused approach to the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex with the addition of specific advanced dry needling strategies for the pelvic floor, coccyx, symphysis pubis, hip joint, sacroiliac ligaments, regional nerve dysfunction leading to lower back and pelvic pain. Advanced mobilization labs will focus on lumbar, pelvis, and coccyx techniques, and the integrated approach to dealing with a complex diagnosis will be reviewed through a discussion of case studies, current research, and clinical expertise.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Structure & Function Education

Course Provider URL:

Course Mode: Blended

Course Workload: PT16H

Duration: PT16H

Repeat Count: 2

Repeat Frequency: Daily

Course Type: Paid

Course Currency: USD

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