Advanced Dry Needling for the Pelvic Health (SFDN-PH)
Course Description:
In this 16-hour hands-on course, the clinician will learn both the diagnosis-based and symptomatic approaches to management of pelvic health disorders in men and women. Advanced dry needling strategies will be presented that have shown favorable clinical outcomes in patients with urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, vulvodynia, constipation, urinary retention, dyspareunia, episiotomy scarring, testicular pain, pudendal neuralgia, anismus and painful intercourse. Orthopedic and fascial connections will be considered in explaining systemic diseases. Thoughtful comprehensive treatment strategies will be offered to help guide the practitioner managing this difficult patient population. In addition, dry needling for the pregnant patient will be discussed and guidelines for optimal outcomes will be considered.
Participants need to feel comfortable partially exposing their perineum for observation, palpation and needling. Coccyx manipulation externally and via the rectum will be taught and pelvic mobilization techniques reviewed. A written case study of a current or former challenging pelvic health patient must be completed and presented in class, and will be counted as your practical exam.
**Attendance Policy – Prior to registering for the course, make sure you are able to attend the entire weekend. Exceptions to this rule will not be allowed. For more details, please see the cancellation and attendance policy.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Effectively identify the all pelvic landmarks and muscular anatomy of the pelvic floor.
- Respect visceral orientation with patient positioning for optimal dry needling intervention.
- Demonstrate pelvic mobilizations for optimal alignment including sacroiliac and coccyx.
- Identify tissue density changes during needle insertion to ensure proper location of needle in targeted area and optimize outcome.
- Initiate evidence-based dry needling for the pregnant patient.
Course Supplies Requirements:
- An Anatomy Reference – Preferred references below, however any anatomy reference will be acceptable.
- Visible Body app – Human Anatomy Atlas.
- Palpation Techniques: Surface Anatomy for Physical Therapists
- If you have a latex allergy, it is recommended for you to bring your own gloves for use during lab.
- Completion of SFDN1 – Foundations in Dry Needling for Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Sports Performance
- Licensed medical professional per below
- *NOTE: it is recommended that the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip course is taken prior to the Pelvic Health course due to flow of course content but is NOT required. Please contact us for any questions prior to registration.
Professionals who may take this course include:
- Physical Therapists
- Medical Doctors
- Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine
- Physician Assistants
- Registered Nurses
- Nurse Practitioners
- Occupational Therapists – if you are treating pelvic health patients in your practice.
- If you do not see your health care profession listed, or practice outside of the United States, please contact us for more information.
Course Requirements:
- Complete a case study of a challenging patient you have either treated or are currently treating. Please bring to the course to use for discussion.
Required Reading:
- Carr DJ. The safety of obstetric acupuncture: forbidden points revisited. Acupunct Med. 2015;33:413-9 Elden, Helen, Hans-Christian Ostgaard, Monika Fagevik-Olsen, Lars Ladfors, and Henrik Hagberg.
- Treatments of Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnant Women: Adverse Effects of Standard Treatment, Acupuncture and Stabilising Exercises on the Pregnancy, Mother, Delivery and the Fetus/Neonate. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 8 (June 26, 2008): 34.
- Elden, Helen, Lars Ladfors, Monika Fagevik Olsen, Hans-Christian Ostgaard, and Henrik Hagberg. Effects of Acupuncture and Stabilising Exercises as Adjunct to Standard Treatment in Pregnant Women with Pelvic Girdle Pain: Randomised Single Blind Controlled Trial. BMJ 330, no. 7494 (April 2, 2005): 761.
- Kvorning, Nina, Catharina Holmberg, Lars Grennert, Anders Aberg, and Jonas Akeson. Acupuncture Relieves Pelvic and Low-Back Pain in Late Pregnancy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 83, no. 3 (March 2004): 246–50.
- Wilson, Don, James Dornan, Ian Milsom, and Robert Freeman. UR-CHOICE: Can We Provide Mothers-to-Be with Information about the Risk of Future Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? International Urogynecology Journal25, no. 11 (November 2014): 1449–52.
- Aoun, F., E. Malek, D. Kazan, S. Albisinni, A. Peltier, R. Bollens, and T. Roumeguère. Management of Chronic Testicular Pain Due to Thoracolumbar Junction Syndrome: A Pilot Study. La Prise En Charge de La Douleur Testiculaire Chronique Due a Un Syndrome de Charniere Thoraco-Lombaire: Étude Pilote (French) 30, no. 2 (February 1, 2020): 114–18.
- Dry Needling in Myofascial Tracks in Non-Relaxing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: A Case Study-ClinicalKey. Accessed October 11, 2020. Sheikhhoseini and Arab. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 2018-04-01, Volume 22, Issue 2, Pa.
Suggested Reading:
- Dung, H. Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach. 2nd Edition. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL; 2014.
- Herrera, I. Ending Female Pain. 2nd Edition. Duplex Publishing: NY; 2014.
- Houser, E, Hahn, S. A Woman’s Guide to Pelvic Health. Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD; 2012
- Stewart, E. The V Book: a doctor’s guide to complete vulvovaginal health Bantam Books, New York, NY; 2002.
You will receive an email prior to the course you register for with the following information:
- Any course specific instructions such as location reminder, parking instructions etc.
- Log-in information and instructions for the back end of www.structureandfunction.net
- This log in information will allow you to access power points, class forums, helpful forms, etc
- Please be sure to log in successfully to the back end of the website prior to class
Upcoming Courses
Advanced Dry Needling for the Pelvic Health (SFDN-PH)

Diagnosis-based and symptomatic approaches to management of pelvic health disorders in men and women. Advanced dry needling strategies for pelvic s will be presented that have shown favorable clinical outcomes in patients with urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, vulvodynia, constipation, urinary retention, dyspareunia, episiotomy scarring, testicular pain, pudendal neuralgia, anismus, and painful intercourse. Thoughtful comprehensive treatment strategies will be offered to help guide the practitioner managing this difficult patient population. In addition, dry needling for the pregnant patient will be discussed and guidelines for optimal outcomes will be considered.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: Structure & Function Education
Course Provider URL: https://structureandfunction.net/dry-needling-courses/sfdn-ph-advanced-dry-needling-pelvic-health/
Course Mode: Blended
Course Workload: PT16H
Duration: PT16H
Repeat Count: 2
Repeat Frequency: Daily
Course Type: Paid
Course Currency: USD