Ari Goldstein | Physical Therapist near Chandler, AZ | PT

About: Ari Goldstein PT has been a practicing Physical Therapist since 1998 with his experience in the outpatient orthopedic setting. Here are a few of the areas he is trained and educated to help his patients.
1. Dry Needling
2. Cupping therapy
3. Vertigo/vestibular rehab
4. Balance / fall prevention
5. Hands on therapy techniques
6. Back and neck pain/instability/postural Rehabilitation
7. Post operative therapy: Total hip, knee, shoulder, ankle
8. Sprains/strains
9. Chronic pain (fibromyalgia, myofacial pain syndrome, etc)
10. TMJ/TMD therapy
11. Cold Laser therapy
12. Graston/ASTYM
13. Rotator Cuff/shoulder impingement/adhesive Capsulitis
14. Golfers/Tennis elbow

Clinic: AZ Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Clinic Email:

Clinic Website:

Clinic Phone: (480) 878-7425

Clinic Address: 5690 W Chandler Boulevard, Suite #2


5690 W Chandler Blvd
5690 West Chandler Boulevard
United States

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