About: Lindsay Becker is a Board Certified Sports Physical Therapy Specialist and Titleist Performance Institute-certified Golf Fitness Instructor and Medical provider. Lindsay provides world-class rehabilitation and performance training to golfers of all ages and abilities, from juniors to PGA Tour. Lindsay provides medical coverage during the Memorial Tournament and was a Team Trainer for the 2013 President’s Cup. Lindsay assists with The Ohio State University Golf team, performing 3D swing analysis and golf fitness training to collegiate golfers. She also works with the prestigious Muirfield Village Golf Club, and her work with their junior golf academy was awarded the 2012 Golf Digest Junior Program of the Year. Lindsay is an instructor with the Titleist Performance Institute, teaching fitness and medical professionals about golf fitness around the world. She has spoken on the state, national, and international levels and is recognized as one of the premier authorities on golf fitness and rehabilitation in the world.
Board Certified Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy
Titleist Performance Institute (TPI)-certified Medical & Junior Provider
Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Instructor
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Systemic & trigger point dry needling provider
AMM 3D Golf Mechanics Certified
Contact: buckeyeperformancegolf@gmail.
Clinic Website: www.buckeyeperformancegolf.com