Online Education Courses for Bridging the Gap
Structure & Function online Bridging the Gap from Rehab to Performance (BTG) courses are for any medical, strength and conditioning or fitness professional that is involved with patients and clients who are/ were in pain and are working their way back to a high level lifestyle. The information in these courses can be applied to the professional and recreational athlete as well as the average person looking to improve their quality of life.
Courses based on the book “Bridging the Gap from Rehab to Performance”

Bridging The Gap Chapter 7: Somatosensory System
In the course “Bridging The Gap Chapter 7: Somatosensory System” will provide practitioners with a fundamental understanding of the nervous system and how it can better impact the rehabilitation and performance outcomes of their patients. Clinical practice can be impacted by the manipulation of the nervous system to develop better rehabilitation and performance outcomes. General therapy practitioners should take this course if they would like to learn the fundamental understanding ...

Bridging The Gap Chapter 8: The Top 5 Considerations for Optimal Function.
This course on the top 5 considerations for optimal function is intended for healthcare practitioners as well as strength and conditioning professionals who are looking to improve fundamental programming concepts for their clients. These top 5 considerations are things Sue considers vital for all clients: despite gender, despite sport, and despite position. In this course, she discusses Posture, Breathing, the Thoracic Spine, the Hips and the Feet and why each ...

Bridging The Gap Chapter 9: Fundamental Performance
The Bridging The Gap Chapter 9: Fundamental Performance course is intended for both health care practitioners as well as strength and conditioning professionals who are looking to improve their fundamental understanding of strength and power development in the rehabilitating client. In this course, Sue discusses everything a practitioner needs to consider for the client who is nearing the end stages of bridging the gap from rehab to performance. This course ...
Additional BTG Therapy Courses

Neck & Back Pain: How Structure & Function Relate
The Neck & Back Pain: How Structure & Function Relate course will provide therapists with a better understanding of how structure relates to function, and function relates to structure specifically surrounding neck and back pain. This course highlights the processes of improved diagnose and the interrelated causes of back pain, including breath and postural evaluation. Therapy practitioners should take this course if they would like a more comprehensive understanding of how to inter-relate concepts of structural and functional examination and treatment, and how static postures

Understanding the Fascial System
In the course “Understanding the Fascial System” will provide practitioners with a fundamental understanding of the fascia and how it can be manipulated for improved therapeutic and performance outcomes. Clinical practice is elevated by understanding the recent literature surrounding fascia so the patient can achieve improved rehabilitation and performance outcomes. Rehabilitation and performance practitioners should take this course if they would like to learn the fundamental understanding of fascial organization and physiology, research, and clinical applications to improve the rehabilitation and performance outcomes of their

Cupping for Myofascial Dysfunction
The course “Cupping for Myofascial Dysfunction” will provide practitioners with a fundamental understanding of the physiologic effects of cupping and its utility to impact both rehabilitation and performance outcomes of their patients and clients. Clinical practice can be impacted by the use of three types of cupping techniques for better rehabilitation and performance outcomes. Therapy practitioners should take this course if they would like to learn the fundamental understanding of cupping physiology, research, and clinical applications to better impact the rehabilitation and performance outcomes of

Evaluating Alternative Therapeutic Techniques for Managing Pain
In the days of Evidence Based Practice (EBP), many practitioners battle with the balance of the EBP model, evaluating evidence, combining it with clinical decision making, and their patient’s values. The focus solely on systematic reviews and only the scientific merit has skewed what Evidence Based Practice was originally planned to be. This course allows a review of EBP and then reflects its application and utility by walking through several alternative medical techniques and the many questions relative to their evidence. This course causes practitioners